When Sustainability Reporting Makes the Grass Greener

Amandine Dayre & Miriam van der Waal
Published on
February 6, 2024

3 foresights from UK food companies to help you get prepared for mandatory sustainability reporting.

While EU companies are still figuring out sustainability reporting, the UK is leading by making it mandatory 2.5 years earlier.

Understanding and adopting sustainability reporting doesn't have to be complicated. By analyzing SECR reports from leading UK food companies, we've compiled three foresights into what to expect once sustainability reporting becomes mandatory in the EU, and how the trailblazers are setting the pace for their whole industry.

In this report, you will discover:

How UK food companies compare to global ones in cutting Scope 1,2, and 3 emissions.

What are the current limitations and strategies employed by trailblazers to gain an early advantage and set industry standards.

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